Short Friendship quotes and sayings collection

Today we are writing friendship quotes for you.  These quotes are said by famous people who have seen and experienced much in their lives.

Read these friendship quotes and sayings, And I am sure that you will also get something useful out of it.


Short friendship quotes and sayings for true friends

Friendship is one of those wonderful things which happens to every one of us in life. Without friends, it becomes hard to sustain a lively life. They are those creatures that help us to see life differently. And ready to give advice, support, and solution in difficult times. That is why we should value them.

1. “Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend’s success.” -Oscar Wilde


Oscar Wilde on friendship quotes. He rightly said it is common that people sympathize with the sufferings of others.

But when one gets success, very few are there to admire him and not jealous of him.

The main thing we should keep in mind here. That real friends are only those who are not jealous with you when you get success.

If you are with those type of people, you are luckiest in the world.


7. Friendships are discovered rather than made. Harriet Beecher Stowe

In this friendship quote, the writer said that friendships are not made, actually, they are discovered. He is right. Read friends can only be discovered not made.

As we all know that understanding and interest are important factors in a relationship.

We should also try to discover those people who match our interests and understand and contribute to conversation.

8.The best cure for a bad day is a good friend.

Friends are those species that can make your day. No matter what happens to you.


9. Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer. Jean de La Fontaine

Yes , in this era it is hard to find true friends who actually know what is true friendship.

10. “A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.”
-Arnold H. Glasgow


Best friendship quotes
Best friendship quotes

16. “You find out who your real friends are when you’re involved in a scandal.”
-Elizabeth Taylor

When you stuck in a biggest problem of your life, That’s where you came to know your true friends. Who can actually do anything for you. No matter what situation you are in.


17. “I don’t know what I would have done so many times in my life if I hadn’t had my girlfriends.” -Reese Witherspoon

Cute friendship quotes by Reese Witherspoon.

18. “Some souls just understand each other upon meeting.” -N. R. Hart

True Friendship quotes and sayings

19. “Don’t be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.”-Richard Bach


20. “In a friend you find a second self. -Isabelle Norton


21. “Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.”


Friendship quotes for strong bond
Friendship quotes for best friends

27. “Things are never quite as scary when you have a best friend.” -Bill Watterson


28. Friends are proved by adversity. Cicero


29. The language of friendship is not words but meanings. Henry David Thoreau


30. There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met. William Butler Yeats


Great friendship quotes
Great friendship quotes

36. Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words. George Eliot


37. My definition of a friend is somebody who adores you even though they know the things you’re most ashamed of. Jodie Foster


38. True friendships are eternal. Cicero


39. Friends are the family you choose. Unknown


40. No friendship is an accident. O. Henry


41. Truth springs from argument amongst friends. David Hume


42. Love is friendship on fire. Susan Sontag

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43. Remember, no man is a failure who has friends.


44. Opposition is true friendship. William Blake


45. Between friends, words are optional.


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Awesome freiendship quotes

Cute friendship quotes for best friends 

51. The best mirror is an old friend. George Herbert


52. Friendship is essentially a partnership. Aristotle


53. There are no rules for friendship. It must be left to itself. William Hazlitt


54. My friends are my estate. Emily Dickinson


55. The secret to friendship is being a good listener.

These friendship quotes are said by famous personalities. And I tried hard to figure out and express writer’s sayings. If you love these friendship quotes and sayings then do comment and share with your friends.

Courtesy – Brainyquote


1 thought on “Short Friendship quotes and sayings collection”

  1. Friendship is actually one of the purest bonds and I love my friends so much.
    You have collected some of the best friendship Quotes here which I need today to share with my friends.
    Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us.
    I have Bookmarked.


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